Thursday, October 9, 2008

15 Months Old!

As you can see, James wakes up in a pretty happy mood. He is often bright-eyed and ready to play first thing in the morning!
Yesterday, we found a great park (Freedom Park), not-so-near our house. James played on the toddler equipment, went down the slides and ran and ran and ran for almost an hour and a half! I was too busy chasing him around and keeping an eye on our stroller, that I didn't have time to snap any pictures. But, he loved being at the park and there were many cool things for the kids to do and play on there. So, you think that after all that playing, he would be content to stay inside and play once we were home, right? Nope.

Will snapped this pic of James pleading to go outside.
Dadd-eeeeee. Pllllleeeeaaaassssseeeee let me go outside!!!!

I was doing a good job of ignoring this little tantrum, as I see them at least once a day, complete with crocodile tears and everything! Besides, I had dinner to cook. We have found that James prefers a bit of spice to his foods. When introducing some new menu items to him, he didn't care much for buttered pasta. But, he gobbled down the MorningStar veggie burgers (with the red peppers, loads of veggies and a spicy kick!) And, thanks to dear ole' dad, James now knows what a Spicy Nacho Dorito tastes like, and he likes it! Great!

Yes, we are still continuing with the brushing of the teeth, but it is a struggle.

Weight: 24 lbs 14 oz

Height: 31 inches

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