Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!!

I finally made good on a promise I made to Will over six years ago. You see, when we first met, he offered me two choices, sky dive or scuba dive. I've NEVER had the desire to jump out of a perfectly good airplane (and still don't!) so I chose SCUBA. It has taken me this long, but I finally signed up for a course and it started this weekend. So, I've been either in class or in the water ALL weekend long. My dear, devoted and supportive hubby got to stay home with James and spend his first Father's Day at home with James, aka the Octopus.

In honor of Father's Day, I thought I'd do something new and different, give Will the power over the keyboard. So, here is his Father's Day weekend from his perspective:
On Saturday, I thought I'd loose my mind. Then, I remembered our "baby crack" backup and put on a Baby Einstein DVD. After I had time to breathe and starting playing with James constructively (instead of letting him run me into the ground) things went muuuuccchhhhh better. Saturday seemed to be a practice day for walking/chasing the dogs around the house.
By Sunday, he was walking all over and across the house on TWO feet. No Baby Einstein DVD was needed, so I saw that as a HUGE improvement! I could barely keep up with one kid, much less if we had two. (Jenn and Eric, god bless you!) I spent more time in his play area than James did (trying to coax him into it.) We spent the day playing ball, riding on his Thomas train and chasing the dogs. My back is pretty much killing me from all the bending over and pushing him on his riding toys. But, he survived all the little bumps and falls from learning to walk. So, I'm safe (from the wrath of the wife!)
So, I returned home Sunday evening to find a tired hubby, a clean (kind of) house and a baby who is already walking! I couldn't believe it when he started walking all the way across the room towards me! What's next?!? College?
Anyway, it was an exhausting, underwater-breathing weekend for me and a valuable learning/bonding experience for the boys. I have one more weekend of diving and training coming up, I'm wondering if Will is "up for the job" once again! I've heard mumbles about a last minute work trip!
Either way, as hard as it was for me to leave each day, I knew that James was in good hands and that he loves spending time with his daddy! Will is just thankful that once I'm certified, he can go diving again! It's been over SIX years people! (as he keeps reminding me)
Happy Father's Day!!! (and to you, too, Dad! We love you!)

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