Sunday, June 1, 2008

Benjamin's Birthday!!!

On Saturday, James helped his good friend and playdate buddy (Benjamin) celebrate the ripe ole' age of One Year(s) Old! Ever since James was three months old, these boys have attended weekly (sometimes more!) playdates together, so they go waaayyyyyy back! Yep, you could say that they have known each other for most of their lives!
At previous birthday parties, James has NOT been a fan of the ball pit. But, with a little coaxing from his good friend Benjamin, he wasn't afraid at all.
James: Dude, this is the worst teething toy I've ever had!
Benjamin: No man! You have to throw the balls out, so our mommies can go scrambling for them! It's the best game ever!
James: Oh, I get it now! She can't snap pictures and chase balls at the same time!
James: Let me show you how to make them squeak.
Benjamin: Hey, it's my toy. I think I know how to work it. Watch and learn, kid. Watch and learn.

Yes, it seemed that all of the kids there had a great time playing and getting to try out Benjamin's new birthday gifts. Benjamin was a great host and birthday boy! The moms were trying to figure out just when and how our little babies got so big and "grown up." It's very hard not to get caught up in the sentimentality of it all. Well, for some it is. When I asked Will about it and tried explaining it to him, he looked at me like I was crazy! I guess that's the difference between mommies and daddies.


  1. I love it!!! Benjamin (and his mom and dad too) had a great time yesterday with James and all his friends. Looking forward to lots more fun playdates!

  2. Let me do this again. I am impressed and need to catch up with my daughter in the ocean. Lessons and the water. Love to see you completing the course. I will need swimming lessons to get my muscles in shape. Kekoa is suring growing up quickly.
    Love Dad
