High: On Friday, we got a visit from Will's sister, Samantha. She was on spring break and decided to spend the week in Florida with her boyfriend's family. They stopped by our house on their way back up to Ohio (burrrr.) She attends college at Bolling Green and has finally settled on a major, we think. It was a special visit because she finally got to meet James! And, we haven't seen Samantha in a couple of years, so it was nice to spend some quality time with her and catch up. Friday night, we had some friends/neighbors over for a cookout/Welcome Samantha/Happy Birthday Dad dinner! It was a hectic/full house (hence, no pictures) but everyone had a great time!
Low: On Saturday, dad flew back to North Carolina. His two weeks here just flew by and we would have loved for him to stay longer. But, he was needed back home, so it was time to go. I know James is going to miss having his grandpa around. Hopefully he will plan another visit soon!
High: Also on Saturday, we got a phone call from Will's boss (Colonel B.) informing us that we needed to celebrate because Will got a promotion! As of now, all we know is that Will gets a new title and there is reason to celebrate, but we aren't too sure of much more. Hopefully, more money will soon follow! Either way, I'm just so darn thankful for the jobs (Will with the government and me with the school district) that we both have. Our jobs have never been ones that earned the "big bucks", but they are secure and stable. Right now, in this new economy, that's PRICELESS.Low: Sadly, we did not win the HGTV's Dream Home Giveaway. To add insult to injury, the winner was chosen from Lakeland, Florida (not too far from Tampa.)
Silver lining: We probably wouldn't have been able to afford the property taxes. Although, as Will pointed out, it would have been fun to try!
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