On Friday afternoon, James and I met up with some playdate buddies whom we haven't seen in a while. Benjamin (and mom) and Fiona (and mom) met us at the aquarium for some water fountain fun! It was near impossible to get all three toddlers together for a picture, so I just snapped some of James and his latest big-boy conquest: the slide.
You've seen his love of slides in previous posts, but now (as shown in the picture above) he has mastered the ability to set himself up for the proper slide position (feet first) and then launch himself over the edge. His face and whole body just oozes excitement as he approaches the slide and gets into position. Of course, I still have to assist him with sliding down and catch him at the bottom so that he doesn't fall back and hit his head,but we're working on that! Oh, and there was one time that he lost his grip on the side of the slide and went down head first. I was there to catch him at the bottom and yes, unfortunately, he LOVED every second of the headfirst fun. Yes, it seems that James has received his dad's "adrenaline-junkie" gene. Great.
I did manage to get a picture of the kids together at the end of the playdate. Fiona was enjoying her snack and the boys just bombarded her (poor thing) for her grapes and apples. At least she was nice enough to share. But she did learn a lesson about boys and the way to their hearts!
Friday night is Family Game Night and our all-time fav is Scrabble (yes, we're dorks). Of course, we don't start playing until after James is asleep and some type of adult beverage is usually imbibed, but once James is old enough to join us for game night, I'm sure the scenario will be different. Then, it's an early bedtime for me, since I had an early run scheduled for Saturday. I'm back in training mode and I ran 9 miles on Saturday morning. I'm training to run the Ragna Relay in November, so I'll be racking up the mileage on my running shoes pretty soon.
On Sunday, Will and I took James to a nearby park for some more sliding fun.
James found more steps to practice his climbing skills on (like he needs it!) and we ended the trip with a little picnic lunch for him. He didn't really eat much of his food until we got home (too much excitement, I guess). Overall, it was a pretty relaxed weekend with lots of outdoor fun for James. Now that the weather has cooled down a bit, it's so much nicer to spend time outside, so I see lots of more outdoor fun in our future!
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