Friday, August 22, 2008


As you can see, our little man likes to relax and take it easy after a big meal. This pic was taken after lunch today for two reasons. 1- to show that his two top, middle teeth have FINALLY come in. And, 2- to show off his "I'm done/Al Bundy" impersonation after meals. And, no, it's not Tuesday, either. I stopped matching the days of the week to his bibs months ago. (yes, I know I have a problem!)
The other major changes (other than his teeth finally coming in) are that James is starting 1/2 day preschool at our local JCC
and I am going back to work as a small group tutor at school. I am SO ready to rejoin the ranks of educators again (if you've been following the news recently, you know that Tampa is in need of it's quality teachers) and ready for a change of pace. That being said, am I ready to leave my baby in the hands of others? (even if it's only for a few hours) We'll see!
Just wish us luck this week, as it will be a long week of transition for both James and me. First, our morning routine will be very different, as I have to get both of us fed, dressed and out the door in a timely fashion. And, second, James will have to go from taking two naps a day to just one nap after he gets home from daycare and eats lunch. This could be interesting.
So, any thoughts, suggestions, tips on how to make this week go by smoothly will be greatly appreciated!


  1. I don't have any mommy tips for you as you rejoin the work force, but I know you and James will work everything out fine. I just wanted to wish you the best as you go "back to school." After I retired from full-time teaching a year ago last June, I went back to 3X/week as a tutor and loved it. Hope you do too!

  2. Good luck, Kalani! I bet you and James will have a smooth transition. He seems like such a happy and fun-loving boy. I bet the mornings will go by quickly for both of you.
