Today, we celebrated James' first birthday by having a pool party/cookout with his friends (my new mommy friends). It was a great turnout (10 kids, 20-something adults) and the sun came out after the rain, so we could enjoy some pool time. Bob (our crazy cat) tried to steal the show by bringing a mouse INSIDE from the backyard. That was a first! He actually made it all the way into the house and our guests were asking if it was a real mouse or not. I shrugged it off because he has a TOY mouse that looks really real. Well, a closer inspection of what he was carrying in his mouth revealed a live, get-me-outta-here mouse in our house! Will performed his good deed of the day by rescuing the mouse and letting it back outside. Of course, now he wants to kill the cat, but I know he's all talk! (I think!)
Here is James with his smash cake. He didn't seem too interested in eating much, if any, of the cake. I'm considering ordering a DNA test because any child of mine who doesn't like cake just doesn't make sense.
So, after watching him pick at the icing and try to get out of his high chair, we cleaned him off by taking a dip in the pool. While splashing around, I noticed that everywhere the icing had touched his face, he was breaking out in hives. Then, the nose started running. Yep, allergic reaction to the icing! Have you ever heard of that one? A little dose of Benadryl later and he was fine.....
Then, came the opening of the presents! And presents, and presents! James wasn't too keen on helping me open the gifts, but he sure did enjoy playing with them! Our friends spoiled him with tons of cars, trains, musical instruments and riding toys- all of his favorites! Of course, my favorite gift was a picture of James with his pal Fiona when they were just about 3 months old. They had just met in play group and Fiona was trying to put the moves on James. It's just a really cute picture of the two of them and it's hard to believe they were that small once!
Here is James with his proud godparents, Wana and Darrin. They got James some really cool Leap Frog musical instruments and some very trendy Vans slip-on shoes! They are so cute, but now I need to buy James some hip new clothes to go with them!
As for Will and I, the party felt like two hours of mass chaos. We are used to entertaining lots of guests, but it's been a while and we've forgotten all the work involved! Plus, we now have an "octopus" attached to us, that makes entertaining others even more demanding. But, our little man is worth all that hard work and we will sleep well tonight! Actually, James woke up after an hour of sleep and "demanded" to play with his toys. He stayed up until almost 9:30 happily playing with his new toys! He's never up that late, but I couldn't blame him with all those new birthday toys just calling his name! Once he got to play with everything, he was willing to go down for the rest of night (we hope!) Will can't get over how many toys James has now and how much of our small house is being over-run with baby toys! He's considering building a bigger room for James or just giving him our bedroom! I don't think so!

Anyway, we hope everyone had a good time and we appreciate all of the support and love from our friends. You made the day very special for our little sunshine and that makes us forever grateful! Thanks Supermoms!
Hard to believe he is already one! He sure is a charming and handsome young man. Congratulations, and I know how you feel - sad but happy at the same time. I've enjoyed keeping up with you and James on the blog this year! Love, Courtney