Monday, May 12, 2008

Weekend Highs and Lows

What a weekend of events we've had. Some good, some bad, but here's the jist of it. Sorry there weren't more pictures, I was takin' it easy.....

Thursday, I finally found and purchased our new patio furniture for the pool/lanai area (after weeks and weeks of searching for the right set/right price!) It has been so nice to sit out by the pool in the evening, kick back with my feet up and enjoy a glass of wine. High.

Late Friday afternoon, Will goes into the garage to do some laundry (yes, I still make him do his own) and walked into a flood zone. Our water heater had kicked the bucket. So, after a phone call to our plumber and a trip to Home Depot for brand new water heater, plus the cost of having a plumber come out first thing saturday morning, we have 80 gallons of hot water at our disposal. Low.

On Saturday, mom stayed home with James so Will and I could go test drive new trucks for him. Will's old (and I mean OLD) truck has really taken a beating over the years and it was past time to be replaced. But, being the frugal one that he is, Will has been driving my old car to and from work and leaving the truck parked in our driveway. Finally, I'd had enough of three cars in the driveway and Will deserves a newer vehicle, so we went looking. He decided on a beautiful (can you call a truck beautiful?) 2008 Nissan Frontier and after getting the salesguy down to our price point, we drove it home later Saturday evening. High.

Poor Will had to say goodbye to his dear old (and I mean OLD!) truck. I snapped this picture as we were dropping it off at the dealership and he was taking few moments to say goodbye. I wanted to drop it off as quickly as possible, just so Will wouldn't come up with yet another reason to keep his truck! Yes, in his hands he is holding the original sticker sheet that was taped to the window when he bought it waayyyy back in 1993. Low (for Will, that is.) Mother's Day rolled around and it was very special to have my mom here with us. Even though the two of us butt heads at every discussion, I feel so lucky to have her in my life and she made my day very special. High.
We went out for a nice brunch, dropped the cars off at the dealership and spent the rest of the day in the pool. Will treated me to a day "off" from the regular mommy duties. He got up with James in the morning and let me sleep in, he changed all of the diapers, prepared all of the bottles, fed all of the meals, handled all of the naptimes and basically took care of James from sun up to sun down. He even cleaned up the entire kitchen after dinner while I just sat and watched some TV on the couch (that was nice!) High.
But, he forget to get me a Mother's Day card for my very first Mother's Day ever. (although I think I remember receiving cards from Misha, Abby and Bob on year's past, go figure!) Low.

All in all, it was a nice way to spend my very first Mother's Day. I'm so thankful to be James' mommy and I know he appreciates and loves me. That wide grin just says it all!

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