No major news or events this week. We started out our weekend by visiting the aquarium on Friday. This seems to be a pretty popular routine with James and I enjoy my time there as well. The sights in the fish and shark tanks are always changing, so there is always something new to see when we go! Plus, as soon as James gets older, there is a wonderful children's water activity area outside, complete with slides, fountains, a small mini-beach and super soaker squirters! I, uh, I mean James, can't wait!!!

James kept me very busy chasing him all around the tank/theater area. His crawling is getting much faster. He is now standing up (at everything!) and letting go to practice his free-standing skills.

Our trips to the aquarium are always much more fun when friends come along. Today, our friends Heike and her daughter Fiona joined us. Fiona and James have been play-buddies for several months now. Although James still seems to prefer older women (the moms!) he is warming up to Fiona!

On Saturday, Heike invited us to join them at Island Fest. A nearby festival of music, food, events and freebies. It was quite warm out, but we strolled along for a while. There were several of those large, bouncy, jumpy things for kids, but James and Fiona were forced to just watch the other older kids, since they weren't old enough. I could see James watching the other kids with envy and thinking, "Some day, that will be me up there on that bouncy slide!"

And, what festival is complete without the ever-popular Elvis impersonator? Actually, he was very good (several older women from the crowd informed me!)
We love the aquarium too, and it just gets better with age. James is absolutely adorable!