James kept me very busy chasing him all around the tank/theater area. His crawling is getting much faster. He is now standing up (at everything!) and letting go to practice his free-standing skills.

Life with our Little Sunshine
After swimming so many laps with his friend Benjamin, it was time for him to leave (both boys were ready for dinner!) Throughout the day, I noticed that our dog, Abby, was getting more and more agitated and that something was just not right with her. I had called the vet earlier in the day, but they had closed for the weekend. She was getting more and more miserable, so after James was fed and bathed, I loaded Abby in the car and made the drive up to the Florida Veterinarian Specialists facility in north Tampa. It was quite the drive on a Saturday evening, but it is the only 24 our emergency vet clinic here and our dear dog needed help.
After numerous tests to rule out other possibilities and two hours of waiting, the doctor told me that Abby is suffering from a UTI (urinary track infection). For those of you who have been plagued with one of these, you know that my heart immediately went out to her and I was so thankful that I brought her in instead of waiting for our local vet to open on Monday. So, they prescribed her antibiotic, gave her a shot of painkiller and we were on our way, minus $332. Ouch!
Sunday, I continued giving her the directed dosages, but she was still really agitated and bothered "down there." Poor baby wasn't happy unless either me or my husband was holding her. Then, Sunday night, I dosed her up again and we hoped for a good night's sleep. Well, she had other plans. I finally decided to try to sleep with her on the couch and keep her soothed. But, at 2:00, neither one of us had gotten any sleep and she was getting more agitated by the minute. So, after a phone call to the emergency vet and a quick change out of my PJ's, I quietly loaded her back in the car and made the trip up to north Tampa. Luckily, at 2:15 in the morning, there was no traffic so I made it in record time!
The doctor confirmed that her skin irritation "down there" had gotten worse, prescribed another shot of painkiller, some new cream to rub on it (how fun for me!) and medicated pads to wipe the area clean. Oh, AND she has to wear a e-collar now (to prevent her from licking the area and causing more skin inflammation). So, two hours and $70 dollars later, we were headed home. I got back into bed at 4:15 and Will's alarm started going off at 5:00. At 6:00, when he got up, he asked "So, how did Abby do last night?" Having no clue that I had left the house for two hours! When I told him about my fun night of no sleep, he promptly gave pity and said that I should have wakened him. But, since I'm the stay-at-home-mom, I felt that he needed his sleep for work. Still, I think he felt a little put out that I didn't ask for his help. But, someone needed to stay home with the baby!
So, let's see, I've had about 2 hours of sleep. Technicians were here at 8:00 am to install a new security system and just left at 2:00, James finally went down for his nap and we have a photo session at JC Penny scheduled for 4:00. Followed by the whole dinnertime/bathtime routine.
So, I'll get some sleep tonight. Hopefully! At least Abby is starting to feel slightly better, but she is not liking this collar one bit!