This weekend was the annual art show in Hyde Park. It got rained out on Saturday, but Sunday showed signs of sunshine, so we decided to head out and support our local, starving artists. Well, there weren't too many "local" artists and by the price tags on most of the art, WE would be the only ones starving if we purchased what we liked, but I digress....
The event was very popular for many families (evidenced by the high volume of traffic and strollers!)
James enjoyed viewing all of the artwork and offered up a big grin to many of the art patrons. I can't say "toothless" grin anymore. Yep! His first bottom teeth started coming in on Saturday. I haven't been able to photograph the elusive pearly whites just yet, but man, those things feel sharp!
Afterwards, we enjoyed a nice lunch at Sally O'Neals Gourmet Pizza Kitchen in SoHo. And, James enjoyed his lunchtime bottle!
Darrin and Wana (godparents) enjoyed the afternoon with us. Of course, Auntie Wana had to get in some "James" time.
After both boys were fed, we decided to say our goodbye's and head home. Once at home, the boys enjoyed some play time in the play area, commonly referred to as "the baby pit." As you can see, daddy is tuckered out by the end of long afternoon and James is still ready to go! Once he sees the camera come out, he smiles (as if on cue) and is ready to pose!
Yep, that must be my child!
The outing hopefully fostered some deep sense of art appreciation and developed his sense of visual awareness. Yeah right! But, at least it made for a sleepy child who was ready for bed and went down easily! Whew!
Yep, that must be my child!
The outing hopefully fostered some deep sense of art appreciation and developed his sense of visual awareness. Yeah right! But, at least it made for a sleepy child who was ready for bed and went down easily! Whew!
Oh my goodness - James is getting cuter by the day! Love the big grins.