But, one look at these cutie-pie pictures and a cherub sent straight from heaven was born! Yes, I'm a believer in putting angel wings on little boys now! Just look how cute they turned out! Mind you, I am not biased in the least....

Life with our Little Sunshine
We had a very nice, three day weekend at home. James and I joined some playgroup friends at the Aquarium for an outing on Friday. Then, Will and I spent most of Saturday playing around the house with James. Consequently, lots of giggles filled our house, as Will makes it his mission to get as many grins and giggles out of James as possible. No wonder James expects "play time" every time he sees his daddy! Sunday was spent cleaning out and organizing our garage. How do those things get so messy? We wrapped up the long weekend with a nice lunch over at "auntie" Veronica's house. James promptly began to explore her entire house on all fours, which kept us quite busy during our lunch. No more casual visits while the baby lays on the floor in one location. He's on the move! Oh well, I guess I should be thankful that he isn't moving on two legs yet. Needless to say, all that maneuvering around her house wore him out and he quickly fell asleep in the car on the way home.
I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend and made the most of it!