Drum roll, please.....
Last night was the FIRST time that James slept through the entire night!!!! He went down like clockwork at 6:00 and did not make a peep until 5:30 this morning! Usually, he makes a stir and fusses about 2-3 times a night until I go soothe him back to sleep. A month ago, I cut out one of our night-nursing sessions, so we were down to only one night feeding. A few days ago, I stopped all night-nursings, but he was still waking up and crying. But, I guess his stomach got the message that the "kitchen" was closed during sleeping hours, so he didn't even bother waking up! I guess it wasn't worth it if he wasn't being offered the breast (typical male!)
How did we celebrate mommy's full night of sleep? With a 3-mile jog along the bay on base. They have a rubberized track that runs along the shore. The view of the sun rising over the water is just beautiful!

Congratulations! That is such an exciting milestone!