Remember that song? Okay, maybe it's just stuck in my head because this weekend was FULL of parties! Let's see, Friday night- Wine Tasting Event with friends to celebrate my birthday. The picture above was from last year's birthday (there was NO wine drinking then), since I forgot to take pictures this year. Bad Blogger, I know! But, as Will would say, I was too busy flitting around and being a social butterfly to drag out the camera. Oh well, it was still a great time with everyone and we got to taste some yummy champagne and wine!
I think James picked up some good pointers from Dillon on smash cake procedures and protocol!
He did perk up towards the end of the party and wanted to hang out with his good friend, Benjamin. I tried, but both boys would simply NOT look at the camera at the same time. Being difficult as usual for the camera.
As for Saturday night, I had another party to attend in honor of my good friend Keri. She just passed her US citizen exam and we had a "Proud to be an American" party for her. It was a great party, complete with games (Are you smarter than a Canadian?) Sadly, most of us who attended the party weren't smarter than her when it comes to US history and our government! Oh well! Congrats Keri!
Please wish me luck this week because I'm going to need it! James is sick again with another cold(runny nose + teething+ nose plunger = fussy baby!) , I have a cracked tooth and am waiting for my appt. with the oral surgeon (can we say liquid diet???) and Will is out of town until Friday for work! AHHHHHHHH! Keep me in your prayers, thoughts, whatever!