It's been a while since I've posted because we have been busy traveling. James and I flew to the mountains of Tennessee to spend some time with his Grandma. He survived his first plane trip and was happy to see Grandma once we got off the plane. After his screaming fest during the entire descent (yes, I tried nursing him, offered the pacifier, everything! Once his ears started popping, he was NOT a happy camper!), I'm sure others where happy, too!

Overall, everyone thought he was "just precious" and said that they didn't mind his crying (bunch of liars!)

Then, it was time to head into Gatlinburg and do some shopping. Of course, they have everything all decorated for fall. The pumpkins and scarecrows made for the perfect Kodak moment!

James LOVED being outside in the fresh, mountain air! We would walk out on the balcony before his bedtime to look for the bears that Grandma warned were everywhere, but we never saw even ONE! I guess they steer clear of fussy babies!

James also got to spend some time with his cousins who live in South Carolina, but made the trip up to see him in the mountains! He loved learning how to be a "wild child" from Mason (left), loved the sweet attention from Hannah, and wanted to take Christian's (right) walker from him (even though he isn't old enough to use it yet!) Overall, it was a great trip and a great time spent with family!