See this happy baby? Isn't he precious? Couldn't you just eat him up?!? His little smile is so precious during the day, but the evening brings on a whole new personality! Let me explain. On Wedneday's new mommy meeting, the nurse asked how our bedtime routine was going. I promptly/proudly explained that I loved our nighttime routine and that it was working very well! Around 7:00, I give James his warm bubble bath (which he loves!), followed by a lotion rubdown, a soft-voice reading of GoodNight Moon, followed by a 5-ounce bottle of pumped milk from his daddy. Then all I had to do was swaddle him, give him his pacifier and lay him down in his crib with his lullaby music playing. After a few minutes, he would drift off to dreamland and we would have the rest of the evening to ourselves. Easy as pie! Until about midnight when he would wake up for another feeding, of course!
Well, wouldn't you know that the little stinker is out to prove me wrong- again! For the past two nights, the 7:30 feeding has been nothing but crying and fussing. Then, he cries and screams every time I try to put him down. He wants nothing to do with being swaddled and his eyes are wide open the entire time I'm rocking him. He'll drift off to sleep for maybe an hour, then it's up again crying and the whole bit. After several attempts by me to put him back down, it's almost time for another feeding! Ahhhhh!
So, lesson learned. No more baby bragging! I will live to regret it!